News Bits

Reno Evening Gazette
Reno, Nevada
November 13, 1926

25 years ago [1901]
Awarded the official new airplane speed mark for women fliers was Mrs. Mae Haslip, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hays of Goldfield.

Nevada State Journal
Reno, Nevada
September 2, 1926

Goldfield News
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hays, of Goldfield, have received word of the engagement of their daughter, Miss Talmadge Hays, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, to Count Henri Sergius Cherrasky. They will be married in October and will leave at once for Paris, where Count Cherrasky is the resident agent of a number of Oklahoma oil companies. Miss Hays was raised in Goldfield, and later attended a preparatory school for girls in Denver, and it was in 1919, while a student there that she formed the acquaintance of Count Cherrasky.

Miss Margaret Connolly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Connolly, and Maynard Cronin, an employee of the Silver Pick Mining Company, were married Sunday [August 29, 1926] morning, the ceremony being performed in the Sacred Heart Church here by Father Grady of Tonopah, in the presence of a large company of relatives and friends of the couple. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Alice Connolly, while the groom's best man was his brother, Arthur Cronin. After a wedding breakfast at the home of the bride's parents, the couple left on a honeymoon trip to Utah. They will reside in Goldfield on their return.

Mrs. E. Jackawatz has received word of the birth of a son to her daughter, Mrs. W. L. Swanson, nee Helen Ruckstahl, in San Francisco. Mrs. Swanson spent her girlhood in Goldfield.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carl, of Hornsilver, left, Monday [August 30, 1926] morning, for a trip to the East.

Mrs. F. M. Stoller, left, Monday [August 30, 1926] on a business trip to Long Beach.

The Goldfield schools opened Monday [August 30, 1926] for the fall term with a good attendance in both high and grammar departments. The high school has three new faculty members, Miss Ora Mumford, of Caldwell, Idaho, Miss Bessie L. Holts, of Hood River, Oregon; and Miss Susan G. Mahan, of Baker City, Oregon. The grammar school staff is composed of Miss Rita Cannan, Mrs. Ruby Fitzgerald, Miss Evelyn Fayhin and Mrs. A. L. Carman.

Updated December 2014
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The flanking images in the header banner were created originally by POOF then modified by me. The headframe image in the center is by Lydia Warner Miller, Fine Art America. The background tartan in the footer logo is the Nevada State Tartan, adopted in 2001.

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